PromoGuy's Monday Mission 2.35
1. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on a date? Hmm... lots of things, actually. Separating the things that I've filed under "embarrasing" but are truely "tragic" I can come up with this: It would have to be while I was dating Mr. BG. He got more than a little drunk that night and started a fight with someone because "the size of his nose was offensive".
2. Do you eat your veggies? Always.
3. Most people are comfortable going to the bathroom in front of at least one person. Has anyone ever used the restroom in front of you that you wish wouldn't have? What happened and how bad was it? I have never used the facilities in front of anyone.
4. Have you ever had a bad online transaction? You know, the item wasn't what you thought it would be, you got totally ripped-off, no refunds, it just plain sucked? What's the story there? The only transaction I have had that I would label "bad" was an ebay transaction, where the guy took several weeks to contact me after a bid, and when he did, he had is email set up so that the "reply" function didn't work. I wrote him negative feedback, he wrote me negative feedback, and then I got the item. I have been very lucky otherwise.
5. Ever have a current love find any old love letters (or similar item) you kept that probably should have been thrown away? How did that turn out? No. I keep very few letters, and those I have kept - I know exactly where they are and what they say. Should I throw them out? Who knows. I am sentimental.
6. A secretary at work was telling me about a trip she took to Mardi Gras. She showed off her beaded necklaces and proudly said she "earned' each and every one of them (for those not familiar with this tradition, ladies walking up Burbon St. in New Orleans will flash people who are upon the balconies, in return the guys will throw them worthless plastic necklaces). I was shocked, I had no idea this quiet gal had a wild side. Was there ever a time when you did something totally outrageous because you knew no one would know who you were, or maybe didn't care even if they did? Yes. Absolutely, lots of things. I think the most outrageous was the topless sunbathing in Bulgaria.
7. Hey, what happened to you last night? I waited forever! Fool. Never wait longer than 15 minutes for anybody.
BONUS: I know I could break you down, but what good would it do? Why bother then?
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