Stream of Conscious Blog Entry
Dave the Real Estate Agent is back from vacation, and will be taking me to view some properties tomorrow afternoon. All three places are in my price range and are in the neighborhoods I want them to be in.
Today was an election day here in Chicago. In my ward there were only three offices to vote for: Mayor, Alderman and Treasurer. The Treasurer and the Alderman had nobody running against them, so I guess it is a matter of confidence/no confidence voiting? There were no referendums or anything, so it literally took me 8 seconds to vote. We have those new ballot authentication machines, so I'm sure there were no hanging chads around. Be that as it may, according to the local news, it looks like Mayor Daley is going to get another term in office. And they say the mafia is gone.
It is very, very cold here in Chicago. My weatherpixie is wearing her long underwear. We also have snow! Ok, it is only like 1/3 of an inch, but is the first snow we've had all year that's lasted more than an hour.
I should probably get a gimmick for my website too, like everyone else seems to have. My Website was all about the forwards, once upon a time, but I haven't gotten anything postworthy in awhile.
I am really very tired. Work has become stressful. There is a lot of putting out of fires, dealing with rude, incompetent, bored and lazy people, and far too much work to do in an unreasonable amount of time. After a long day, I feel like I've been chasing my tail on a treadmill for 8 hours. (How's that for a mixed metaphor?) I don't hate my job yet, but if I don't go on vacation soon, I'll get burned out for sure.
Does Captain Asshole ever read my blog I wonder?
If you are the sick bastard looking for "Fred Flintstone and Betty Rubble Having Sex" and for whatever getting to MY site while searching through MSN, you are really barking up the wrong tree. Who wants to see this? They are CARTOON characters - and besides, Fred was married to WILMA, dumbass.
Why is it that lots and lots of strangers come and look at this blog, but none of them ever comments?
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