Monday Mission 2.36 via PromoGuy dot net
1. Where were you and what was happening in your life the moment when you first became aware of what was happening at the World Trade Center in New York City last September 11th? What was the first thing you did when you heard the news? I was at work. My boss came into the office at a little after nine and said, "did you hear the news about the World Trade Center?" Of course I didn't believe him at first. But he went into his office, turned on the TV and there it was. I was standing there with my jaw to the floor, eyes glued to the tiny color TV when the second tower got hit.
2. When those truly responsible for the attack are apprehended, what do you think would be the most fitting form of justice? I don't think Western intelligence has the means to apprehend those responsible. The terrorists are already dead. And if we find their so-called leader or other members of their group.. what can we do? Nothing, nothing anyone can do would be fitting. The death penalty? Don't be ridiculous. The death penalty is barbaric, disgusting, sick, wrong and completely up their alley! They become saints if they are executed. Send them to prison? Yeah, making license plates for 40 years will really make all the families of those murdered feel much better. Community service? Clean up work? Rehab? It all sounds so trite.
3. This will probably be much like when our parents respond to "Where were you when JFK was shot?"- an event never forgotten by those who were there. But how do you think the history books should present the 9-11 attacks? Should it be included for all future generations? How can we truly convey the shock, the outrage, the emotions and pain of that day to the children of our children? This is not the first time terrorists have attacked the US (or for that matter, the first time anyone targeted the WTC), but it is by far the worst and THE attack most likely to resonate with people. It should be considered a turning point for Americans - it is time our leaders and WE THE PEOPLE examined our foreign policy, our arrogance, our blind faith in GOD WE TRUST and our miopic view of the world.
One year after the fact is too close to consider the event as a closed topic. It is part of a larger picture - something is happening in the world, the status quo is changing. America is letting itself be lead by incompetant, racist, blood thirsty, greedy, vengeful people. We are in serious trouble because WE THE PEOPLE are soft and lazy. Everything is happening around us, and we feel too powerless to stop it. Our history books will print this story the same as any other - the righteous, brave Americans were pounced on by FOREIGNERS. We scrambled into action and saved the whole world from destruction. Have you read a US history book lately? They read like the Pravda.
4. No one in that building, in the Pentagon, or on the planes (other than the terrorists) knew that 9-11 would be their last day to be alive. For me, it brought home the reality that I could be gone at anytime, without any warning. Now, I really want each day to have some value. Did the events of 9-11 bring about a change in the way you live your life? Well, sure. Lots of external changes have been made - like the fact that it takes forever to get on an airplane, or that I have to show ID to get into my building at work. But as for personal changes, I'll say "no." I have dealt with death many times before, so the shock of "they didn't know they were going to die" didn't happen to me. Not one of us can ever be certain that we will live another day.
5. Several who loved to fly in planes will not step foot in one anymore. Many parents are more protective of their children. A year later, do you find yourself feeling more secure than back then? Or is it just a matter of time before something else happens? No, I don't feel more secure at all.
6. The best way for me to honor the those impacted by the attack will be to refrain from any media that day. No papers, no radio and especially no television. Others will light candles, and others will attend special services. What, if anything, will you do to personally reflect on the tragedy? At work we will be observing the moment of silence with the NYSE. I will probably abstain from media as well, because I am tired of the hype. This is the anniversary of a very traumatic event, not a circus.
7. One of the visuals that touched me the most were the walls and walls full of hand made "Missing" posters. What image will you always have in your mind when you recall the events of 9-11? The clouds of ash, smoke and debris that covered lower Manhattan and the people covered in soot, running, falling, escaping.
BONUS: Who's gonna come around when you break? You can't go on thinking nothing's wrong.
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