Friday, July 05, 2002

Hello Cruel World

I am in Florida, and it is less humid than Chicago. I appologize for any slandering I did to Floridians as I was complaining about the weather here. Besides, 90 degrees is a lot easier to deal with when you don't have to wear a suit.

Yesterday, my sister, her husband, their son and I few to Florida to visit our grandmother.

Because the flight we were in was booked solid, and because my sister has a bunch of upgrade tickets, we got to fly first class. Sometimes life is good. The seats in first class are very cushy, and they give you wine with lunch -- which is fantastic when you are anticipating a stressful family event. We didn't have any problems in Chicago or Florida, but I was worried about when Stennie was flying out, I even had to listen to the news to find out who it was that got shot. I was fairly certain that she wasn't flying El Al airlines to Alaska though. Still, I am glad to see her blog!

So far, we have been to the pool and had many, many arguments. Don't worry though, this is normal for us. We fight a lot. When someone isn't yelling, it is because they're in a coma.

Tomorrow should be beach day, and I can't wait.

Toodles everyone!


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