Sunday, July 28, 2002

Hello cruel world, and Happy Sunday!

First off, I would like to say how proud I am of Stennie for completing the blogathon - she blogged a minimum of 2x an hour for 24 hours, and watched 10 movies AND reviewed them in the process. She did this to collect $$ for cancer research, and I am positive that the nearly $200 she managed to collect will be just the sum needed to finish a very important research project over there.

My activites yesterday: I procrastinated a lot, but I finally did two out of three loads of laundry that needed to be done. I dusted - I should keep up with the dusting because all of my furniture is wood, and dust hurts the finish. Having not dusted in at least a month, I was not surprised to find copious amounts of dust. What did surprise me was the black soot that seemed to cover everything. I imagine that this is from having the windows open all summer. Is the air here really that dirty?

I chatted online for a few hours with my friends at #squeeze and then I decided to get dressed and go look for a new bike. So I did the showering and the getting ready, only to discover that I had left my wallet at work on Friday. Unfortunately, my key card doesn't work on the weekends, so I am stuck with the $4 I had in my pocket to last the entire weekend. I had enough food to get through yesterday with little difficulty (blueberry smoothie for breakfast, rice made in vegetable soup for dinner, with cherries and mango juice for snacks), but today is going to be a little more challenging. I have the ingredients for a cherry smoothie, so when I get around to breakfast I'll make that. But dinner will have to be made of what I have in the house. Rice, dry kidney beans, lentils, yogurt and various spices. I should probably get around to soaking those beans!

But I digress. Realizing that I didn't have the money to buy a bike or go to the movies or anything, I spent the day in my air conditioned room on line. I chatted with Patrick, kept in touch with what was going on on Stennie's blog, watched Suspicion on PBS, cleaned some more, and capped the night with more #squeeze.

I had planned to get up early this morning and greet Stennie before she was finished with her 'thon, but I didn't make it. I slept until 11 - unheard of really. I can rarely sleep that late. It is already 10 to 2, and I am still not dressed. I did talk to my brother and his family for well over an hour though, which I am sure thrilled the crap right out of my sister-in-law, since she was trying to clean the house and prepare for a BBQ.

I will venture outside in a bit, although it is once again pea soup out there. I should get some excercise today, bike or not. Perhaps I'll walk over to the park and go read my book in the shade. "What am I reading" you ask? Eastward to Tartary: Travels to the Balkans, the Middle East and the Caucasus, by Robert D. Kaplan. I can't tell you about the book too much yet. I am still reading the introduction.

And now? I am going to check the news online, since I got up too late to watch the Sunday morning news shows, call Paul in California, and then, get dressed and venture out. I am sure it will be a perfectly wasted day.



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