Golly I'm having fun with these Friend Tests. I just want to know which one of you is the boogie man. Special thanks to all of you who think my lofty childhood aspirations were to become a crack whore.
Today was a good day. Instead of going to work as usual, I started day one of a two-day training class, offsite. It is supposed to be an advanced course on Microsoft Access.. however, the first three hours were just a review of the basics. I was so incredibly bored. I surfed the web, answered emails yawned, answered questions with a flat monotone.. a teacher's nightmare.
After lunch the instructor turned the tables on me and I woke up fast! I started sweating and asking questions and getting lost... at this rate, I'll never be a DBA. But since that goes beyond crack whoredom, I guess I shouldn't worry.
I see that Chrispy no longer blogs, which I think sucks eggs, but I suppose it is no worse than Mike not blogging at all. MEN! Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em.
Speaking of lunch, which I did a couple of seconds ago, I had the opportunity to do some fast food today. Taco Fresco is a new chain in these parts, but I understand they are popular around CA? Anyhow, I got the roasted veggie burrito. What a load of crap. It tasted like plain gelatin in filo dough. They didn't even use proper tortillas! And the pico de gallo was, I'm pretty sure, Taco Bell mild sauce.
I see this blog is kind of a big non-sequitor, but hell, I am good at those.
I read in the paper today that certain members of a certain branch of our government have notified PBS that having a HIV positive character on Sesame Street is not acceptable. I was under the impression that PBS stood for Public Broadcasting System. Last time I checked, the word public meant "for the people" and not "run by the government". Why do they get to say what our kids watch on TV? Isn't that the decision of the viewers? Furthermore, when did our congress get to have an opinion about what kids in South Africa watch on TV? They won't give the dying aid OR education in that part of the world, fucking racists.
And as long as I am being political, why does Dubya think that Arafat should quit his job, just because Dubya thinks it would be a good idea? Isn't that the decision of the Palastinians? Who the hell does W think he is? If he really thinks ousting Arafat would be useful, why doesn't he take this up with the UN? Not that I am particularly pleased with the politics yonder in the promised land. Frankly I am sick to the point of convulsions of hearing about people blowing themselves and everyone else up over there, and I cannot fathom what it must be like to live one's life with all that going on. I suspect the human capacity for gruesome violence is surpased only by our capacity to adapt and endure just about anything. Or maybe that is the Meaning of Life, trying to discover just how much perverse gore the human condition can endure?
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