Monday Mission 2.24 via
1. What does Father's Day mean to you personally? I do not have a father, and I don't have a husband or kids , so on one level, it has become just another Halmark Holiday that I don't have a hell of a lot to do with. On another level, I suppose it has become a day of reflection. My childhood is long, long gone, but it is interesting to go back there sometimes.
2. Was there a Father, or a Father Figure in your life as you grew up? Until just after my 16th birthday, yes.
3. b) Would you like to become a parent? Would you be good at raising your own children? The prospect frightens me, as I have absolutely no patience and have a quick temper. Kids love me for some reason though, and I do get fond of them, especially my siblings' kids. I guess if I were to become a parent, it would have to be with someone who is willing to play a leading role in their lives. I can't be the only caregiver or any child of mine would be doomed from conception.
However, the biological clock has begun to tick loudly, and as hard as I try not to listen, the prospect of not ever being a mother just doesn't sit well with me either.
4. With Rosie, Callista, Jodie and Camryn all raising children without Fathers, Hollywood seems to be sending a message that children do not need male role models. Do you agree? Are these "stars" sending a good message to the young adults who admire them? These people are entitled to live their lives as they see fit. Parents are the first and most important role models a child has, and they shouldn't relinguish this role to some unknown in Hollywood whose life circumstances do not parallel that of the average person. I am sure that these children mentioned above have male role models, they just aren't the in-home dad of the 50's sitcom. Let it go.
5. Do you think the absence of a loving, caring father in the life of a child could have any influence on their sexual preferences when the child grows up? If that were true, I'd be a lesbian. And guess what? I'm not! I don't think the father-figure has much to say about sexual preference. I believe you are born with your preferences, because they arr part of the natural instincts people inherit as a process of natural selection. There are far too many people in the world, and not all of us need to reproduce.
However, I do believe that the father or other dominant male influences how girls feel about the opposite sex and what they expect in a mate. If you can't trust your father, the chances are, you probably won't trust other men either. And for boys, I imagine they take their attitudes about women from the father. A gay man can raise a boy to respect and love women, just as a straight one can.
6. Was there ever a time when your father became "uncool." Or maybe embarrassed you? My father was the strong silent type. He didn't talk much, he didn't tell stupid jokes, he was known for being very intelligent, and he carried himself with dignity. He had very little to do with my friends anyhow, and he didn't walk around the house naked or anything. As a teen I often found him "uncool" because I wasn't allowed to do some of the things my friends were doing. (Like going out after dinner on a school night or blabbing on the phone for hours).
7. Are you ever too old to kiss your Dad? Don't be silly.
BONUS: When you coming home, dad? I know I am supposed to respond with "but we'll get together then, Dad, we're gonna have a good time then", but I would rather say this: Go fuck yourself.
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