Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Oooh, thank you Stennie for pointing out that I forgot to add this to my Monday Mission yesterday. My apologies to the Promoguy!

Here it is, Tuesday night, really Wednesday morning - almost 12.30. I am wide awake as a hophead. In trying to get myself tired, I did all kinds of physical stuff - I made a lunch for tomorrow (asparagus, rice and tofu) cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floor. But now I'm just a little sweaty and more awake. I wonder if I should take up yoga. It is supposed to be very relaxing.

Actually, I did attempt yoga once upon a time when I was in Austria. Another American, Erin and I took a class together. Big mistake. For starters, we didn't know the names of the major muscle groups in German, so we had to watch everyone to figure out just what limb we were putting where, so we were always behind. And we inadvertently took an intermediate class - so we were always confused. We would see these people get into impossible positions, and we'd just laugh ourselves silly.

I assure you that Erin and I did not get much soul searching or any more intimate with our bodies that semester, and I'm sure it got our classmates' yins and yangs way out of whack.

And so, I will go in search of sleep.


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