I wonder how long it takes to get to know someone to the point where it is safe to say that they are worth your time? I figured that in almost one year of hanging out with someone on average of once every other week, having them in my home, drinking, eating, chatting and laughing with someone, it would be safe to say that I knew them. I guess not.
This isn't the first time I have been disappointed in someone - but this one really hurts. This isn't even a direct friend of mine - he is someone that was dating another friend of mine. But the three of us spent lots of time together, and I really enjoyed what I thought was a friendship that had taken root with the friend's significant other.
Well, it turns out, I didn't know the significant other (let's call him Mr. X) as well as I thought. Somehow I missed the fact that he is disgustingly racist. I long suspected that he was a bit of a snob, but he seemed so sweet and genuinely aware of the fact that he wasn't as open minded as he'd like to be, so I let the sobbery go. I mean really, who here is perfect? Well, Mr. X comes from a family of racists, he's admited that, and he told my friend that one of the reasons he thought they shouldn't be together is because they are of different races. He just doesn't respect white people.
Mr. X a Ph.D. candidate at one of the nations top business schools. He is involved in several social clubs, reads the newspaper and listens to NPR. Many of his colleagues and so-called friends are white. But none of this has changed his perspective. He likes ABBA for fuxsake, how much whiter can you get? Mr. X has worked for the World Bank, travelled all over the world and is incredibly well read. Somehow none of this has managed to open that steel trap of a mind.
If he and his parents, who immigrated here in the first place, hate living in a multi-cultural, multi-racial country, why did they leave their own? We have enough racists of our own right here and we don't need to empower dangerous (yes, dangerous) people by importing their kind from everywere else in the world. If you want everyone to be your color, go back to where that is the case!
What? The country whose people you revere so much is awash in poverty? The country of your forefathers is on the brink of war? Every decent leader ever elected in the little utopia built by your magnificent race has been assassinated? You think the US, Russia and the UK, you know, countries where there are scads of white people, should help your parent's country become safe and prosperous?
Fucking hippocrite. Keep your disgusting hands off of my friends.
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