Monday, May 20, 2002

It is only 11.15 in the morning, and already I would not classify this as a good day. If you aren't in the mood to read a huge bitch session, move along now. You have been warned.

1. It was 40 degrees this morning when I left the house. It is May 20.

2. When I attempted to return my rental car this morning, I had to navigate the cavernous maze of lower Stetson and Wacker Drives. Enterprise did not bother with signage, and finding the right parking lot to return the car to down there made me 15 minutes late for work.

3. I have only been at my job for 5 months, and I have already managed to completely alienate the person in the next cube. She is currently "actively ignoring me" and I have no idea what crawled up her behind. If I pass her in the hall, she looks down, if I put something in her in-basket, she stares past me. I realized that she was P.O.d this morning when she didn't return my "good morning!" or my "how was your weekend?" or "are you ok?". I HATE passive-aggressive behavior. If you want to be angry at me, go for it, but at least establish that fact and don't expect me to try to guess what your problem is. As far as I'm concerned, unless you share the issue with me, the problem is yours.

4. Allergy season is here with a vengance. When I woke up this morning, my eyes were swollen shut. They are as puffy as puffy can be. Think of Garfield's eyes. My boss asked me if I was stoned, because I can barely open them. I think he was serious, because he sounded kind of disappointed when I told him what the problem was.

5. "I'll call you". Why do men say this? I don't mean men I have a romantic interest in either. Regardless of relationship status, nationality, race or age, men say this. Even if I extract an exact time out of the buggers, they don't call when they are supposed to. If they return my call, it is often three days later. If I act miffed, they get confused. Who teaches them that this is normal or acceptable behavior? And by the way, if you pull an "I'll call you" on me because you want information from me, or you need something, you can bet I'm not going to chase you down to do you a favor.

6. Office politics suck. If I have to call you by your last name because you make more money than I do, then you have to call me by MY last name if I am better educated. Got it?

I suppose that about does it for now. Please stay tuned - perhaps something good will come out of this Monday.


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