Thursday, May 08, 2008

Feh.. eh?!

Or whatever.

So I posted the link about the CD mix, I started a list of songs for the CD mix, and then didn't do it. I don't think anyone reading has ever been inspired by my little advertisements, but someday - SOME DAY someone might do the mix because they read about it here. And it just wouldn't be right to not do the mix.

By way of explanation for my general silence, I'll admit that I dropped a few of life's curve balls. They've been coming fast and furious this year, so I guess this was bound to happen.

I'll get a reprieve from normal life a week from today though - I'm going to Europe for two whole weeks.

Here's the plan so far:

  • Fly into Munich- spend the day, night and next day with Betti. Eat chocolate, drink wine.
  • Travel by train to Vienna where I will be staying with Romeo and hanging out with several certifiable Bulgarians. Drink coffee and wine; eat Topfentaschen by the pound.
  • Meet with friends for actual Sachertorte at the Hotel Sacher. I've been experimenting with this confection for about a year now, and I no longer remember what the real torte tastes like. Time for a refresher.
  • Then, in no particular order: Bike day in Bratislava, some weekend with Paul and Doris in BFE Linz Land, Trip with Romeo to Budapest, actual culture of sorts will happen in Vienna.
So don't cry for me Argentina. Things may suck a bit today, but tomorrow's looking kind of awesome.

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At 9:04 AM , Blogger alexis said...

wait, so what am I, chopped liver? you gonna visit everyone you know in europe except me?? :(

At 3:01 PM , Blogger Bet said...

Sounds like bliss to me. Coffee, wine, chocolate, wine, trains, wine.

Too bad you've left already, I was going to ask if I could come.

At 9:51 PM , Blogger Lily said...

I know this is sacrilege, but the Sachertotre at the Hotel Sacher isn't that great. It's dry. But you do have to do it once. Other fun things to do -- the Volksopera and making fun of how the voice of the tram announcer says U-bahn.


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