Mmmmm goood
I would like to take a moment to thank whichever higher power is responsible for the mango. Mangos are hands down, the best damned fruit there is. Sweet and fleshy, smooth and yummy. They work well eaten plain, mixed into smoothies, made into sorbet... the big O for your mouth.
Here are some facts about the mango:
- Thought to be native to India, mangoes have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. The tree is related to the pistachio and cashew and grows to an average of 50 feet in height. Each tree produces about 100 mangoes.
- unripe mangoes have no scent. A fresh mango will give slightly to the touch.
- Beyond being delicious and rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, mangos contain an enzyme with stomach soothing properties similar to papain found in papayas. These comforting enzymes act as a digestive aid.
- An average sized mango can contain up to 40% of your daily fiber requirement.
- The Mango tree plays a sacred role in India; it is a symbol of love and some believe that the Mango tree can grant wishes.
- Mango leaves are used at weddings to ensure the couple bear plenty of children (though it is only the birth of the male child that is celebrated - again by hanging mango leaves outside the house).
So there you have it - natures perfect food. Go out and get you some today!
Tomorrow, mango recipies.
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