Monday, March 16, 2009

Feeling Welcomed

I'm sitting at home. It is late and I ought to be in bed, but I just don't want to. I'm watching HAIR on the "this network". I'd forgotten just how sad the movie is. Next to me is a new-fangled sleepy-time idea - a warm mixture of magnesium powder, citrus flavoring, and hot water. It isn't very tasty, but it isn't gross, either.

I've been reading a lot about vitamins and minerals that can be used to relax you and help you sleep. A friend of mine, Dr. B, has been making a tea out of this powder and drinking it before bed. She's reported much better slumber. With a few samples from her, how can I not give it a try?

Today was a beautiful day, and tomorrow it is supposed to be even more lovely - close to 70 degrees! I'm looking forward to taking some of my colleagues out for a photo shoot. I'm collecting pictures for the masthead of my newly designed Intranet site.

Long rambling story short, I'm hoping to get some sleep so I'm not too cranky to play photog.



At 3:48 AM , Blogger alexis said...

I would be curious to hear if the tea works!

At 10:41 PM , Blogger Michelle said...

Actually, Alexis - it does! Very well.


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