Monday, June 16, 2008

Lookit Here!

Since I know you won't all understand this, I've used the Google translating tool to translate an article from German. The result is pretty funny. The original text is here.

But I wasn't posting to be funny, I was posting to express extreme joy!

My favorite author in the whole wide world, Christa Wolf, is being considered by the leftist party in German as their candidate. This bit of excitement is helping to lift me from the doldrums after watching Austria get defeated in soccer against the Germans.

I won't lie to you, my dear Christa is missing a few screws. She's brilliant though, and has such a way with words.

In other news: I've had emails asking for my vacation photos. They are coming, I promise. I took over 300 and I need to go through them all. I would expect at least pictures of Vienna to start showing up late this week, early next week.



At 6:31 AM , Blogger alexis said...

sounds a little dangerous, letting writers make decisions. I envision the dole being replaced by free lines of cocaine

At 11:16 PM , Blogger Bet said...

Thank God! You blogged!

At 8:41 PM , Blogger Barbara Jacksier said...

One of my favorite authors, Mario Vargas Llosa, ran for President of Peru.He lost, however.


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