New Take on Nigera Letter
Well well, if this isn't some remarkable Spam. The asshole in question signed on to a mailing list that I modify, gave a fake email address (I know this because the automated "welcome" message I send was rejected.) The beast then copied the member list, and then had the stupidity to name the "to" list after the group he'd stolen the addresses from.
Now, so the person who wrote this is supposidly in Iraq, right? Then why is the footer advertisement in Italian?
I am so fucking bright it blows my mind. I should be a private eye.
Here's the message. Feel free to respond and have fun:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr. Abdul Waheed, the erstwhile financial Adviser to the incasarated President of Islamic Republic of Iraq, after the President went into hiding in Tikrit,due to the invasion of Iraq by the United States, The United States Lead Coalition Forces caught him and he has being in Prison for over three months now. They have confisticated all his assest and killed two of his sons. All tribal Iraqi Leaders had also abandoned him to his faith.
In my tenure in office i had acquired a lot of wealth from Petroleum sales. When my country was invaded, there was war, I have presently lost my wife and two daugthers, I am hiding somewhere in Bahgdad,the Interim National Government of Iraq and the US led forces are hunting all members of the former Sadam Hussein's government, which I am one of them. I was having Us$23 million in a safe at home before the war, actually during Sadam's regime we do not keep money in banks. I had managed with every contact I had to keep this money in safe custody till date.
In Iraq today women are given high priority and through an aide worker I managed to lodge this money in a money vault in Canada.The purpose of my letter to you is for your assistance in helping me to keep this money safe, and please do not cheat me this is my only hope. Presently i can't leave Iraq now but the Interim National Govrnemnt of Iraq are offering all resistant citizen of Iraq an Amnesty and to join to build the new Iraq. I will atyo ur acceptance and open communication with me, release to you information on who to contact in Canada for release of the funds.
Please if you are ready send to me your contact telephone and fax number and I will breif you more details, for now I remain undercover until we establish contact, this is for our mutual benefit, and no risk involved, please keep sealed lips over this until we suceed. For security reasons do not respond to this mails address please send your responses to to continue correspondence.
Thank you!
Abdul Waheed
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I like this one. I'm not even sure why the person thought it would work -- whether or not you like the war, the idea of helping one of Saddam's cronies reclaim his loot is probably not tops on the list of things to do.
Another clue to it being in Italy is the author's spelling of "incarcerated". He says, "incasarated." I suppose "incarcerated" does mean to be stuck IN CASA!
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